Here is little guide for you how to port Socialife application for all devices running Android ICS and JB
As you know Socialife application made by SONY Corporation for this following Devices :
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ M
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ SP
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ Z Ultra
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ Z
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ ZL
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ ZR
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ T
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ TX
Sony Smartphone Xperia™ V
Sony Xperia™ Tablet Z
Sony Xperia™ Tablet S
Sony Tablet S
Sony Tablet P (Except USA model)
I Hope you have read this carefully, Now move to next steps :
Requirement :-
Should know how to decompile and recompile
Should know how to sign and zipalign apk
STEP 1 :
- Decompile Socialife using apktool with framework from Xperia 2013 Devices
- Open Android_manifest using notepad++ then remove this line and save
STEP 2 :
- Go to folder smalicomsonynfxappsfrcscp
- Open d.smali using notepad++ then find this line
sget-object v3, Landroid/os/Build;->MODEL:Ljava/lang/String;
const-string v3, "C6603"
New Socialife doesn't support ICS ROM so you need to change sdk version from Android_manifest or apktool.yml
minSdkVersion: '16'
targetSdkVersion: '17'
minSdkVersion: '14'
targetSdkVersion: '17'
Don't forget to sign and zipalign again
That's it, Enjoy!!!
Thanks for erorcun for the Trick
wow !
you are great (Y)
Awesome Work ^_^
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